On Sat, 24 Aug 2002 Dean wrote:

|| You should use ssh; rsh, like telnet, is a very unsafe protocol these
|| days.  You can automate the rsync transfer with cron using ssh, look at
|| the latest issue of linux journal; it has an article on "keychain" which
|| is what you want.  It uses as an example the exact problem you are
|| trying to solve: ssh+cron+rsync.
|Thanks. I checked out the site, and they show the cover of #101 Sept
|2002, but I don't see keychains. Is it in a different issue? I'm not
|subscribed, although I do remember someone (was that you) that posted
|about membership giveaways... do I need to subscribe to read this?

I saw this in the dead-tree version that I picked up at Borders.  If you
don't want to spring for it, just do google search for 'keychain ssh
linux' and look for a tutorial or HOWTO link.


Eric Jeschke

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