goku ball z wrote:
Hi all,
I have this problem. I am running suse linux 10.0 Enterprise. I was able to install nano-2.0.6 and as root I am able to use it. This is where my problem starts. When I exit root and try to use nano, I get this error message.

nano: Command not found.
but when I type /usr/local/bin/./nano  I am able to use it.
and since I am using tcsh shell I made a file called .cshrc and added the following: setenv EDITOR/usr/local/bin/./nano ( which didn't work )
then I tried this also
setenv EDITOR/usr/local/bin/nano  (which also didn't work)
can someone out there help this hawaii newbie?! thanks and aloha from hawaii

What about putting a link in /usr/bin to your Nano executable? I don't run Suse, but that's what Debian does. It's odd that they would put Nano in /usr/local/bin, as that usually isn't in the path. Try "man ln". Frankly, I find it easier to do links with Midnight Commander, sometimes called "mc."

NetOpsCenter wrote:


I run FreeBSD here in Hawaii, but I added the LUAU list to this email. Plenty local Linux users on it could maybe help you.

Whatever works.
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