On 10/20/07, Eric Hattemer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have yet to find this hypothetical system that has vi, but doesn't
> have emacs, noxemacs, nano, pico, nedit, gedit, kwrite, jed, or joe; the
> ability to install one of these easier to use editors, or a file
> transfer utility that would allow you to do your editing remotely.

I gather that the justification for learning vi is that if your system
is hosed, vi will work when other editors are unavailable. Hence you
should use vi at all times, so that you can deal with problems.

I don't see why you couldn't learn enough vi to deal with problems,
and use another editor under ordinary circumstances. Sure, you'll be
slower in vi, and perhaps curse a lot, but you can still use it.

Karen Lofstrom
LUAU@lists.hosef.org mailing list

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