I've also noticed that a few times in the past couple of weeks when trying to pull various distros. Each attempt from outside of UH. The HOSEF mirror is something I really appreciate having access to.

-Jeff Mings

On 06/13/2012 08:32 AM, Camron W. Fox wrote:

        I can no longer access mirrors.hosef.org from inside the UH network
(coming from, since June 2 it appears). Pings and
traceroute fails:

root@rb11: [1008/8]# ping mirrors.hosef.org
PING mirrors.hosef.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- mirrors.hosef.org ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 2000ms

root@rb11: [1009/9]# traceroute mirrors.hosef.org
traceroute to mirrors.hosef.org (, 30 hops max, 40 byte
  1  ccb-431 (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)  0.487 ms  0.469 ms  0.543 ms
  2  fdt (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)  0.182 ms  0.257 ms  0.329 ms
  3 (  1.147 ms  1.268 ms  1.352 ms
  4  vl-200-te-1-1-bb1-its-hurp4900.uhnet.net (  1.118 ms
  1.237 ms  1.227 ms
  5  vl-244-gi-2-10-ml4900-1.uhnet.net (  2.840 ms  2.967
ms  3.137 ms
  6  vl-1113-te-5-8-melody720.uhnet.net (  7.698 ms  7.685
ms  7.690 ms
  7  vl-669-te-8-2-keller720.uhnet.net (  7.070 ms  7.007
ms  7.035 ms
  8  * * *
30  * * *
root@rb11: [1010/10]#

        Is the mirror down?

Best Regards,

LUAU@lists.freesoftwarehawaii.org mailing list

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