ntp1.hawaii.edu canonical name = ntproundtop.hawaii.edu.
Name: ntproundtop.hawaii.edu

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Jeff Mings <je...@lava.net> wrote:

> Hi All!
>     After the new NTP DOS vulnerability, a lot of NTP servers are changing
> their operation.
>     I have used the navy's atomic clock at tick.mhpcc.hpc.mil for quite
> some time, but it appears that they may be reducing access to it now.
>     Many of my clients use RoadRunner locally, which doesn't seem to have
> a publicly-listed NTP server in this area.  I could use the pool from
> CentOS, or even the one from Apple, but I want to make sure I use a server
> or pool of them that won't be overwhelmed/useless like the Microsoft NTP
> servers.  So far, using 0.us.pool.ntp.org  looks like a solid choice for
> long-term reliability, but nist1-la.ustiming.org yields better ping
> times, and the NIST has a nice status page at http://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/
> servers.cgi   for checking service.
> Any better suggestions?
> Thanks,
> -Jeff
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