It's a 2 step probes.  First create the issue, and save it.  Then go back,
edit the issue, to attach to it your code.

-- George

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniele Fusi [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 1:14 PM
Subject: RE: Search.Regex implementation

Thanks you George,
I've added the license headers copying them from other project's files.

As for your points, yes I ported the bare minimum for my needs; at this time
I just have this essential (minimal) port for Lucene regex-based queries and
span queries. The port refers to RegexQuery and SpanRegexQuery only, with
their dependencies. The corresponding Java source is quoted in each class
remarks. The only renaming was JavaUtilRegexCapabilities which was
translated into C# as CSharpRegexCapabilities. No time for adding unit tests
and other sources by now, sorry, should I find it I'll make a new post.

Anyway, I signed up in JIRA and tried to create a new issue but in the web
form I cannot find a control for attaching files. Could anyone give a hint?
(screenshot attached)

-----Original Message-----
From: George Aroush [] 
Sent: giovedì 17 dicembre 2009 06:08
Subject: RE: Search.Regex implementation

Hi Daniele,

Thanks for the port, I had a look at it and here is my comments:
1) Each source file must have the Apache License header.
2) The code must be submitted through JIRA as an attachment.
3) When I compare your port to the Java version, I see some files missing,
did you port only what you need?
4) What about the test code?  Did you port that too?  If so, I don't see it.
We need it too as it will give us a good source of validation.

#1 & #2 are critical.  Once you address them, someone else can pickup #3 &
#4 if you can't.


-- George

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniele Fusi [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 12:43 PM
Subject: Search.Regex implementation

Hi list,
I'd like to contribute to the project with these few classes implementing
the Search.Regex namespace in I just ported the essential
components required to enable regex-based query for both standard and span
queries, as a project of mine required it. Should you find them useful and
not faulty you could include them in some future release of this project.

Any suggestion is welcome!

Daniele Fusi

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