Hi Stefan,

* Java's bytecode doesn't contain metadata about generics and when Java is
compiled, all info about generics gets lost. So, IKVMed Lucene.Net will have
to live without generics.

* IKVM is the java world in .NET runtime in fact.  If you are , for ex, to
write an analyzer, you have to override TokenStream method which accepts
"java.io.Reader" instead of "System.IO.TextReader". So .NET people have to
learn java namespaces/classes and develop their own java-compatible

* Since IKVM is a different world, remoting (for ex.) between native .NET
code & IKVMed code is problematic (one uses
"java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject", the other one

* It's not possible to make custom changes in IKVMed Lucene.NET unless you
make your changes in java sources and compile them.

I think people can find more examples. Of course, none of them is a blocking
issue but too far from  giving a .NET taste.


On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 7:24 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 2011-01-27, Granroth, Neal V. wrote:
> > Use of IKVM was discussed before.
> I'm really sorry.  Normally I wouldn't have brought it up without
> searching the archive - I did so in the context of "this is a question
> the people we hope to attract might ask".
> Please be patient with the new people we want to attract, they will not
> hunt down the mailing list archives for every idea they have.  This is
> why putting things on the Wiki like Scott has started is a better
> approach.  You can tell people "was discussed before and URL-HERE is the
> outcome".
> > Adding this layer (or any other shim) on top of Lucene.NET is
> > extremely unpalatable in the environment in which our products are
> > deployed.
> The license rules it out anyway (unless we ikvmc'ed Harmony, yet another
> can of worms) so this question is moot.  But still, out of curiosity: is
> there any technical reason that turned it into a bad idea?  The
> discussion from the other thread seemed to indicate that performance was
> not an issue.
> Thanks
>        Stefan

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