>> * It's not possible to make custom changes in IKVMed Lucene.NET unless
>> make your changes in java sources and compile them.

> Wouldn't a "custom change" contradict the goal of a line-by-line
> translation?

What I  intented to say was customizations made by Lucene.Net users,  not as
a Lucene.Net project.


On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 10:44 AM, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 2011-01-28, digy digy wrote:
> > * Java's bytecode doesn't contain metadata about generics and when Java
> is
> > compiled, all info about generics gets lost. So, IKVMed Lucene.Net will
> have
> > to live without generics.
> Ah, yes, the joys of type erasure.  I completely missed that.
> > * IKVM is the java world in .NET runtime in fact.  If you are , for ex,
> to
> > write an analyzer, you have to override TokenStream method which accepts
> > "java.io.Reader" instead of "System.IO.TextReader". So .NET people have
> to
> > learn java namespaces/classes and develop their own java-compatible
> > libraries
> > * Since IKVM is a different world, remoting (for ex.) between native .NET
> > code & IKVMed code is problematic (one uses
> > "java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject", the other one
> > "System.MarshalByRefObject").
> Ugly, I agree.  Although this could be meliorated by an additional .NET
> centric library that took care of adapting the differences.  This extra
> layer would add complexity and not help with performance, of course.
> > * It's not possible to make custom changes in IKVMed Lucene.NET unless
> you
> > make your changes in java sources and compile them.
> Wouldn't a "custom change" contradict the goal of a line-by-line
> translation?
> Many thanks, I'll add your points to the wiki
> Stefan

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