I can't speak for anyone else but I've been inordinately busy since before
the holidays. I'll take a look over the release tomorrow.

Thanks so much to Prescott and Stephan for keeping things moving along.

On Jan 18, 2012 12:33 AM, "Stefan Bodewig" <bode...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Prescott,
> First of all, I should have said "thank you".  Thank you for putting
> together the release, thank you for dealing with my "formal"
> requirements that some may consider nit-picking and thank you for being
> persistent.
> On 2012-01-18, Prescott Nasser wrote:
> > What do you mean I wouldn't get three +1s? From the license devs? (
> > this group seems a bit dead atm) or do you mean from the general?
> I meant "this group".  A release should be backed by the developers of
> the project and so far I doesn't look that way.  Maybe people have just
> waited for me to perform the "legal checks" in order to avoid spending
> time reviewing a release that has to be recalled for non-technical
> reasons, I don't know.
> As for general.  It sure would be nice if we could get all three mentors
> to vote before informing the general list.  By the time you start the
> vote on general, you'll have my +1 and we will get two more of them by
> asking repeatedly, as usual.
> Stefan

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