
Just a suggestion, maybe going the web API route and self hosting (which allows 
for something more RESTful and  with good bindings for JSON, XML, et al):

- Nick

On Aug 17, 2012, at 7:47 PM, "Zachary Gramana" <> wrote:

> All:
> I spent quite a bit of time researching the demise of Lucene.Net.Distributed 
> (now Contrib.Distributed), primarily looking at SVN tags and the mailing 
> list. I gather that it was only ever a reluctant feature, which had few 
> users, went unmaintained, and thus was quietly dropped during the transition 
> from 2.4.0 -> 2.9.1.
> I noticed that much of that code remains in src/contribs, so I attempted to 
> restore it back to its former state. To make a long story short, I have 
> reconstructed solution files, project files, tests, etc. and have migrated 
> them all forward to use 3.0.3 trunk. It now builds and (nominally) runs. It 
> does not pass the tests since the Soap formatter does not support generics.
> I did not make any modifications beyond those needed for reconstruction and 
> migration. I am considering migrating this to ServiceStack, or WCF, if there 
> is interest. However, some may be interested in playing with it as-is. I'd be 
> happy to submit a patch against trunk, but I'm not sure of the protocol for 
> that (e.g. send it to dev list, private email). The patch currently weighs in 
> at 344 KB zipped/~3 MB unzipped.
> Best Regards,
> Zack

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