>>Maybe I'm just not with it right now... but that matrix doesn't seem
>>to make sense to me.  From my understanding, two write requests
>>cannot happen concurrently,

This is about the thread safety built into Lucene. It looks to me like lucene 
looks after the contention between two concurrent "writing" threads, hence the 
"Y" in that intersection. The "N"s mean that Lucene does NOT look after the 
contention and it is an exercise for the lucene user to ensure this situation 
does not occur (eg not deleting a doc while there is a writer open).

I may be wrong in some of these observations which is why I would like the 
feedback :)
As for the layout - yes this is a problem with these sorts of diagrams as 
there are always two intersections essentially saying the same thing (Xaxis 
Read, Yaxis write and Xaxis write, Yaxis read) I guess you could but "n/a" in 
the duplicate intersections but I'm not sure if that would confuse people even 

I definitely think some form of documentation about the contention that needs 
to be managed by the lucene user is a useful goal though!

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