On Fri, 20 Dec 2002, Doug Cutting wrote:

> The max a reader will keep open is:
>    mergeFactor * log_base_mergeFactor(N) * files_per_segment
> A writer will open:
>    (1 + mergeFactor) * files_per_segment

I am not sure if you must open all files (i.e. writer would need just
2*f_p_s if you keep A-Z order in DocUIDs??). IMHO it is a bug and the
point why Lucene does not scale well on huge collections of documents. I
am talking about my previous tests when I used live index and concurrent
query+insert+delete (I wanted to simulate real application).

BTW, your mail is also an answer to previous topic "how often could one
call optimize()". The method would be called before the index goes to
production state. And it also means that tests are irrelevant until they
are made with lower mergeFactor.

...but it is possible that I missed something (I do not know Lucene as 
good as you).


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