Paging would be great for the results.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Erik Hatcher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:00 AM
Subject: Lucene demo ideas?

> I'm about to start some refactorings on the web application demo that 
> ships with Lucene to show off its features and be usable more easily 
> and cleanly out of the box - i.e. just drop into Tomcat's webapps 
> directory and go.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on what they'd like to see in the demo 
> app?  Some of my ideas are:
> - Eliminate the need to do a command-line indexing, let the web app do 
> this upon command, allowing you to specify where the index lives (there 
> will be a reasonable default like ~/lucenedemo/index perhaps) and what 
> directory tree to index (perhaps defaulting to the root directory or 
> c:\, or where instead?)
> - Spin off a background indexing thread so the web app searching is 
> immediately useful after kicking off the indexing process, and allow a 
> status view of the indexing progress.
> - Index text and HTML files.  Any others?  I don't want to get into 
> putting too many dependencies in though - let's keep it relatively 
> simple, although still demonstrative.  Allow search filtering by last 
> modified date range and document type (extension).
> - Perhaps allow you to specify the analyzer to use when indexing.
> - Show the explanation of how scores are computed in the search results 
> as an option.
> I'm all ears to possibilities of improvements!  Send your wishlist.
> Erik
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