That's why I emphasized that Hashtable doesn't allow nulls.
If this is happening often, then yes, that is the thing to be
suspicious about, and is easily to test by modifying your local copy of


--- petite_abeille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Otis,
> On Wednesday, Oct 22, 2003, at 18:06 Europe/Amsterdam, Otis
> Gospodnetic 
> wrote:
> > Since 'files' is a Hashtable, neither the key nor the value (file)
> can
> > be null, even though the NPE in RAMInputStream constructor implies
> that
> > file was null.
> Yep... pretty weird... but looking at openFile(String name)... could
> it 
> somehow be possible that the name is invalid for some reasons and 
> therefore doesn't exists in the Hashtable? So files.get(name) would 
> return null and new RAMInputStream(file) would then raise a NPE?
> This would not explain why the name is invalid in the first place... 
> but that could be a start for an investigation... what do you think?
> Cheers,
> PA.
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