A quick question. Is there any way to disable the - and + modifiers in the
QueryParser? I'm trying to use Lucene to provide indexing of COBOL source
code, and allow me to highlight matches when the code is displayed. In COBOL
you can have variable names such as DISP-NAME and WS-DATE-1 for example.
Unfortunately the query parser interprets the - signs as modifiers and so
the query does not do what is required. 

I've had a bit of success by putting quotes around the offending names, (as
suggested on this list), but the results are still less than satisfactory,
(it removes the "NOT" from the query, but still treats DISP and NAME as two
separate words rather than one word and so the results are not quite

Any ideas, or am I going to have to try and write my own query parser?


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