On Feb 16, 2004, at 7:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Monday 16 February 2004 12:40, Erik Hatcher wrote:
On Feb 16, 2004, at 6:12 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
String description = doc.getField("contents").stringValue();

What is the value of description here?

? The value of the field "contents" :-) Long, plain text..

I'm asking for specifics because you listed a specific truncation problem.

final java.io.Reader r = new StringReader(description);
final TokenStream in = analyzer.tokenStream(r);

And what analyzer are you using here?

GermanAnalyzer (yes, "has", "had", etc. below is fictional but most people
here probably don't speak german...e.g. "automobile" may become "automob" or
something like this).

And thus the nature of the problem. Try using the WhitespaceAnalyzer instead to see what you get.


But the result is the same, the words are actually truncated (instead
"has", "had", "have", etc. only "ha") :-(

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