Kevin A. Burton wrote:
So I added a few constants to my class:

new Field( "name", "value", NOT_STORED, INDEXED, NOT_TOKENIZED );

which IMO is a lot easier to maintain.

Why not add these constants to

   public static final boolean STORED = true;
   public static final boolean NOT_STORED = false;

   public static final boolean INDEXED = true;
   public static final boolean NOT_INDEXED = false;

   public static final boolean TOKENIZED = true;
   public static final boolean NOT_TOKENIZED = false;

Of course you still have to remember the order but this becomes a lot easier to maintain.

It would be best to get the compiler to check the order.

If we change this, why not use type-safe enumerations:

The calls would look like:

new Field("name", "value", Stored.YES, Indexed.NO, Tokenized.YES);

Stored could be implemented as the nested class:

public final class Stored {
  private Stored() {}
  public static final Stored YES = new Stored();
  public static final Stored NO = new Stored();

and the compiler would check the order of arguments.

How's that?


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