On Friday 29 October 2004 20:42, Bill Janssen wrote:

> Try running the program at
> ftp://ftp.parc.xerox.com/transient/janssen/SearchTest.java, and see
> how that works for you. ÂSeems to work fine with Java 1.4.2 and Lucene
> 1.4.1, for me.

That seems to be the old version that doesn't implement getFieldQuery. The 
new version (which you pasted in an email on 2004-10-27) doesn't seem to 
work with e.g. prefix queries. I call it like this:

    String[] fields = new String[2];
    fields[0] = "title";
    fields[1] = "body";
    NewMultiFieldQueryParser qp = new NewMultiFieldQueryParser(fields, new
    Query q = qp.parse("+gut* +test");

I get:

+%%:gut* +(title:test body:test)

Or am I mixing up the versions?



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