First let me say - Awesome tool!  Almost too easy to be true, but with
that being said....
Hi,  I have read several articles and postings that indicate that the
Field.Keyword field should be searchable but it's not working for me,
until I change to Field.Text.  Parts of the index and search code are
included below - mostly lifted from articles,etc, including Erik Hatches
article on   I created a small KnowledgeBase web application
that contains a category field, which I want to be searchable.
Searching using a query string of category:Doc* or
category:Documentation does not find a hit unless I change the code to
add the category to the index as a Field.Text instead of Field.Keyword.
The field value is out there:   I have verified this using the TermEnum
to list the term values for field category and Documentation is in the
list of values.  
The intention is to provide a 'Advanced Search' page that allows the
user to search specific fields, like category, title and author instead
of always using the 'all' field.  
What am I doing wrong???     Thanks in advance.
Index code:
public boolean index(ArticleFormBean article) throws IOException {
  IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(indexDir, new StandardAnalyzer(),
         Document doc = new Document();
         doc.add(Field.UnStored("content", article.getContent()));
        doc.add(Field.Text("title", article.getTitle()));
        doc.add(Field.Text("author", article.getAuthor()));
        doc.add(Field.Keyword("createdDate", article.getCreateDate()));
        doc.add(Field.Keyword("modDate", article.getModDate()));
        doc.add(Field.Keyword("category", article.getCategory()));

        // create an 'all' field
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(4000);
").append(article.getAuthor()).append(" ");
        doc.add(Field.UnStored("all", sb.toString()));
        return false;
Search code:
            File indexDir = new File("c:/dev/java/kb/index");
            Directory fsDir = FSDirectory.getDirectory(indexDir, false);
            IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher(fsDir);
            Query query = QueryParser.parse(q, "all", new
            Hits hits =;

Mike Miller
JDA Software Group, Inc.
7501 Ester's Blvd, Suite 100
Irving, Texas 75063

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