On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 10:39:26PM -0700, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
> Marvin,
> Did you file a JIRA issue in the INFRA space to roll up all the other issues
> like mailing lists, SVN, etc. Looks like you found the one I did for Tika -
> why not just create something similar? If you already have, can you pass
> along the ticket key so I (and others) could monitor it?

I have not yet opened an omnibus issue to track the infrastructure aspect of
the podling bootstrapping.  I think you mean like
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-2692>?  That one was filed by
Gavin, though you seem to have filed all the sub-issues.

It seems like using LUCY Jira might be more appropriate, since some of the
tasks -- e.g. our mods to Lucy's Jira :) -- don't seem to require Infra

Having said that, where we file it is an implementation detail I don't have
strong opinions about.  Please go ahead and open a ticket wherever you see

Marvin Humphrey

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