On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 01:51:29PM -0700, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
> >> 3. Wiki (needs to move to incubator space?)
> > 
> > I don't think it will have to move, though we may need to insert the
> > incubation disclaimer on the front page.  My preference is that it stay 
> > where
> > it is.
> Hmm, OK, sounds fine to me. It's already at it's pseudo-TLP place here [1]
> anyways, so +1.
> > 
> > I have to step out right now, but full rationale will follow in another 
> > mail.
> No need! It's fine, and no need for more time spent writing instead of
> coding :)


There are still a couple other issues related to the wiki that will
necessitate a new thread, anyway.

> >> So, to me it looks like we need INFRA help with #1 and maybe #3, right? If
> >> so, I'll handle filing the issues.
> > 
> > Maybe just #1, which I've already claimed -- let's not duplicate. :)
> I'm not proposing too. But I'm proposing rather than one Death-star like
> issue to rule them all, how about some separate traceable activities that
> you can farm out and not be the single point of failure on?

Heh, fair enough.  :)  I hereby hand you the baton on filing the INFRA ticket
for our mailing lists.  As for the omnibus ticket, I leave that in your hands
as well.

Below, you'll find the text I was planning to use for the mailing list ticket
(which was mostly written up as of last night); please use it as you see fit.
The only item we're theoretically waiting on at this point is Simon's
confirmation of his listmod address; in my view, we can go ahead and come back
later in the event that Simon wants to use a different address.

Marvin Humphrey


Lucy is moving from a subproject of Lucene to the Incubator.
([Incubator VOTE results|http://s.apache.org/xU]) 

Please migrate the existing mailing lists, copying the subscribers and setting
forwards in place for the old lists:

    * lucy-...@lucene.a.o     -> lucy-...@incubator.a.o
    * lucy-us...@lucene.a.o   -> lucy-us...@incubator.a.o
    * lucy-comm...@lucene.a.o -> lucy-comm...@incubator.a.o

Please set up a new "lucy-private" list for us as well, with moderated

    * lucy-priv...@incubator.a.o

Additionally, please set up a new "lucy-issues" list for us with followups set
to lucy-...@incubator.a.o, and change notifications for the existing Lucy JIRA
installation to point at it:

    * lucy-iss...@incubator.a.o

Lastly, we would like to have subject prefixes matching the list name set up
for each of our lists.

    * [lucy-dev]
    * [lucy-users]
    * [lucy-commits]
    * [lucy-private]
    * [lucy-issues]

The moderators for these lists will be as follows:

    * peter AT peknet DOT com
    * simon.willnauer AT gmail DOT com
    * chris.a.mattmann AT jpl DOT nasa DOT gov 
    * lucene AT mikemccandless DOT com
    * marvin AT rectangular DOT com


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