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>-------- Оригинално писмо --------
>Относно: Re: Re: lug-bg: Sendmail+SMTP Auth !
>Изпратено на: 09.11.2001 12:47:06
>On Friday 09 November 2001 12:02, you wrote:
>> V takuv sluchaj, moga da ti preporucham da smenish
>MTA-to sus postfix ili
>> qmail. Pone na postfix, smtp auth se podkarva za nula
>vreme sus sasl
>> neshtata i t.n. ( samo da se setish da slozhish i
>modulite za sasl, koito
>> sa v non-us na debian ( ako si s debian de )). A za
>qmail ima nqkolko
>men ve4e me e strah da polzvam dimi4kata "debian", da
>ne se nameri nqkoj 
>kojto da me obvini v debilianizm :PPP
>> takiva patch-a, i tuka za edni celi sme podkarali
>ediniq, a i v grupata
>> ima mnogo fenove na qmail, koito shte mogat da ti
>pomognat. Ako se
>> interesuvash ot postfix, moga da napisha edno
>po-podrobno opisanie kak
>> tochno sum pusnal smtp auth.
>:) gut gut ...
>Ne 4e zastitavam Sendmail, no i s nego trea stava, pone
>taka pishe v 
>dokumenta kojto e update-nat 2001-09-10. Predi vreme
>(mnogo shiroko ponqtie) 
>sigurno e probal s Sendmail-8.10 kojto pishe 4e ot SASL
>polzva samo  
>authentication part. 
>SASL defines two terms which are important in this
>context: authorization 
>identifier and authentication identifer.
>authorization identifier (userid)
>The userid is the identifier an application uses to
>check whether operations 
>are allowed (authorized). authentication identifer
>The authentication identifier is the identifier that is
>being used to 
>authenticate the client. That is, the authentication
>credentials of the 
>client contain the authentication identifier. This can
>be used for a proxy 
>server to act as (proxy for) another user.
>Susto taka zavisi i ot versiqta na SASL
>Warning: If you have a Cyrus SASL version older than
>1.5.15, make sure you 
>compile the plugins without any encryption, e.g.,
>DIGEST-MD5 without DES etc. 
>sendmail 8.10 does not support encryption within SASL.
>If the SASL plugins 
>negotiate a security layer, sendmail 8.10 won't be able
>to talk to the other 
>side if that switches to the encrypted channel. This is
>a problem with Cyrus 
>SASL which doesn't obey the maximum security settings
>of sendmail. You may 
>want to apply a patch to plugins/digestmd5.c (1.5.13).
>Tq procedurata e malko kompleksna de ... 
>> On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, Todor Belev wrote:
>> > Mnogo ti blagodaria za linkovete.
>> >
>> >
>> > Tova ot vyprosnia link go probvah predi vreme, imam
>> > biblioteki i prochee, no uvi ne i ne...
>Ami znam li, ako dadesh pove4e info za pacienta mozhe
>bi vse ste se nameri 
>nqkoj kojto da postavi diagnoza i predlozhi le4enie. 
>Opitaj s Sendmail-8.12.1 
>> > Za syjalenie POP before SMTP ne pasva kato taktika
>> > che yahoo rabotiat po takyv scenarii).
>> > Ne e chitavo kato reshenie.
>> >
>> > Todorin
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