On Friday 09 November 2001 14:58, you wrote:
> Tova sa versiiet koito polzvam:
> cyrus-sasl-1.5.24
> sendmail-8.11.0
> Rezultata ot ehlo localhost
> 250-EXPN
> 250-VERB
> 250-8BITMIME
> 250-SIZE
> 250-DSN
> 250-ONEX
> 250-ETRN
> 250-XUSR
> 250 HELP
dotuk dobre 
> Kakto se vijda ot predpolsdnia red, tochno tova koeto trebe.
> Ostava niakakva konfiguracia na sendmail.cf koiato mai e
> problemnata.
Zna4i Sendmail ste razreshava relay ot senders kojto sa se authentificirali 
4rez nqkoj trusted mehanizum pred nego , i/ili Sendmail ste se auth-va kato 
client pred drug server za relay. Vizhdam 4e imash instalirani mehanizmite za 
authentication: DIGEST-MD5 i  CRAM-MD5. Systite predlagam da gi polzvash i za 
rezreshavane na relay. 
Za SMTP AUTH v .cf/.mc bi trqbvalo da imash:


# sledva secrets s kojto Sendmail ste dejstva kato client i ste se auth-va
# pred durg server. Mozhe da ti e izlishno.
# primeren file "auth-info"
define(`confDEF_AUTH_INFO', `/etc/mail/auth/auth-info')dnl

# http://www.sendmail.org/m4/features.html
FEATURE(`no_default_msa')dnl turn off default entry for MSA

# has now suboptions (called modifiers), one of which is `a'. This tells the
#daemon to require authentication for all connections to it.
# tazi opciq "a" ne q razbrah kak se prilaga
DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=587, Name=MSA, M=E')dnl

Sega ve4e Sendmail trqbva da mozhe SMTP AUTH, hvashtash edin Mail User Agent 
kojto znae kakvo e tova i testvash...
Tova razbrah az ot tozi dokument.  
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