On Jun 14, 2008  08:06 -0400, Charles Taylor wrote:
>>> 1. A ton of lustre-log.M.N files get dumped into /tmp in a  short
>>> period of time.   Most of them appear to be full of garbage and
>>> unprintable characters rather than thread stack traces.   Many of them
>>> are also zero length.
>> The lustre-log files are not stack traces.  They are dumped lustre debug
>> logs.
> Got it.

Just to mention - you can decode these files using the command:

        lctl df <logfile> <textfile>

>>> We are open to suggestion and wondering if we should update the MDSs
>>> to 1.6.5.   Can we do that safely without also upgrading the clients
>>> and OSTs?
>> In general the MDS and OSS nodes should run the same level of software,
>> as that is what we test, but there isn't a hard requirement for it.
> Would it be reasonable then, to upgrade the MDSs and OSSs but leave the 
> clients at or is that asking for trouble.   I think this comes up a 
> lot and I'm pretty sure people have said they do it successfully.   I'm 
> just wondering if it is a *design* goal that is architected in or just 
> something that happens to work most of the time.

The Lustre upgrade process is always planned to allow 1.X.Y to work for
all 'Y' values, and between 1.X.Y_latest and 1.X_next.Z.   We test
these combinations for Lustre releases, for both interoperability and
upgrade.  In the vast majority of cases 1.X_next will work with any 1.X
release, but we can't test all combinations so we don't make such claims.

Cheers, Andreas
Andreas Dilger
Sr. Staff Engineer, Lustre Group
Sun Microsystems of Canada, Inc.

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