On 31 Oct. 2017 07:20, "Dilger, Andreas" <andreas.dil...@intel.com> wrote:

Having a larger MDT isn't bad if you plan future expansion.  That said, you
would get better performance over FDR if you used SSDs for the MDT rather
than HDDs (if you aren't already planning this), and for a single OSS you
probably don't need the extra MDT capacity.  With both ldiskfs+LVM and ZFS
you can also expand the MDT size in the future if you need more capacity.

Can someone with wiki editing rights summarise the advantages of different
hardware combinations? For example I remember Daniel @ NCI had some nice
comments about which components (MDS v OSS) benefited from faster cores
over thread count and where more RAM was important.

I feel this would be useful for people building small test systems and
comparing vendor responses for large tenders.

Many thanks,
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