I would use configuration on /etc/lnet.conf and I would not use anymore the older style configuration in


for example in my /etc/lnet.conf configuration I have:

 - net-spec: o2ib
      0: ib0
 - net-spec: tcp
      0: enp24s0f0
    discovery: 0*

As I disabled the auto discovery.

Regarding ko2ib you can just use /etc/modprobe.d/ko2iblnd.conf

Mine looks like this:

*options ko2iblnd peer_credits=128 peer_credits_hiw=64 credits=1024 ntx=2048 map_on_demand=256 fmr_pool_size=2048 fmr_flush_trigger=512 fmr_cache=1 conns_per_peer=4*

Hope it helps.


On 9/13/21 1:53 PM, Vicker, Darby J. (JSC-EG111)[Jacobs Technology, Inc.] via lustre-discuss wrote:


I would like to know how to turn off auto discovery of peers on a client.  This seems like it should be straight forward but we can't get it to work. Please fill me in on what I'm missing.

We recently upgraded our servers to 2.14.  Our servers are multi-homed (1 tcp network and 2 separate IB networks) but we want them to be single rail.  On one of our clusters we are still using the 2.12.6 client and it uses one of the IB networks for lustre.  The modprobe file from one of the client nodes:

# cat /etc/modprobe.d/lustre.conf

options lnet networks=o2ib1(ib0)

options ko2iblnd map_on_demand=32


The client does have a route to the TCP network.  This is intended to allow jobs on the compute nodes to access licenese servers, not for any serious I/O.  We recently discovered that due to some instability in the IB fabric, the client was trying to fail over to tcp:

# dmesg | grep Lustre

[ 250.205912] Lustre: Lustre: Build Version: 2.12.6

[ 255.886086] Lustre: Mounted scratch-client

[ 287.247547] Lustre: 3472:0:(client.c:2146:ptlrpc_expire_one_request()) @@@ Request sent has timed out for sent delay: [sent 1630699139/real 0]  req@ffff98deb9358480 x1709911947878336/t0(0) o9->hpfs-fsl-OST0001-osc-ffff9880cfb80000@ lens 224/224 e 0 to 1 dl 1630699145 ref 2 fl Rpc:XN/0/ffffffff rc 0/-1

[ 739.832744] Lustre: 3526:0:(client.c:2146:ptlrpc_expire_one_request()) @@@ Request sent has timed out for sent delay: [sent 1630699591/real 0]  req@ffff98deb935da00 x1709911947883520/t0(0) o400->scratch-MDT0000-mdc-ffff98b0f1fc0800@ lens 224/224 e 0 to 1 dl 1630699598 ref 2 fl Rpc:XN/0/ffffffff rc 0/-1

[ 739.832755] Lustre: 3526:0:(client.c:2146:ptlrpc_expire_one_request()) Skipped 5 previous similar messages

[ 739.832762] LustreError: 166-1: MGC10.150.100.30@o2ib1: Connection to MGS (at was lost; in progress operations using this service will fail

[ 739.832769] Lustre: hpfs-fsl-MDT0000-mdc-ffff9880cfb80000: Connection to hpfs-fsl-MDT0000 (at was lost; in progress operations using this service will wait for recovery to complete

[ 1090.978619] LustreError: 167-0: scratch-MDT0000-mdc-ffff98b0f1fc0800: This client was evicted by scratch-MDT0000; in progress operations using this service will fail.

I'm pretty sure this is due to the auto discovery.  Again, from a client:

# lnetctl export | grep -e Multi -e discover | sort -u
     discovery: 0
       Multi-Rail: True

We want to restrict lustre to only the IB NID but its not clear exactly how to do that.

Here is one attempt:

[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# service lustre3 stop

Shutting down lustre mounts

Lustre modules successfully unloaded

[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# lsmod | grep lnet

[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# cat /etc/lnet.conf


    discovery: 0

[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# service lustre3 start

Mounting /ephemeral... done.

Mounting /nobackup... done.

[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# lnetctl export | grep -e Multi -e discover | sort -u

    discovery: 1

Multi-Rail: True

[root@r1i1n18 lnet]#

And a similar attempt (same lnet.conf file), but trying to turn off the discovery before doing the mounts:

[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# service lustre3 stop
Shutting down lustre mounts
Lustre modules successfully unloaded
[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# modprobe lnet
[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# lnetctl set discovery 0
[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# service lustre3 start
Mounting /ephemeral... done.
Mounting /nobackup... done.
[root@r1i1n18 lnet]# lnetctl export | grep -e Multi -e discover | sort -u
     discovery: 0
       Multi-Rail: True
[root@r1i1n18 lnet]#

If someone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.



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  • [... Vicker, Darby J. (JSC-EG111)[Jacobs Technology, Inc.] via lustre-discuss
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    • ... Vicker, Darby J. (JSC-EG111)[Jacobs Technology, Inc.] via lustre-discuss
      • ... Riccardo Veraldi
        • ... Horn, Chris via lustre-discuss
          • ... Vicker, Darby J. (JSC-EG111)[Jacobs Technology, Inc.] via lustre-discuss
            • ... Horn, Chris via lustre-discuss
    • ... Vicker, Darby J. (JSC-EG111)[Jacobs Technology, Inc.] via lustre-discuss
      • ... Andreas Dilger via lustre-discuss
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