----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jon Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 11 November 2003 08:19
Subject: Re: Interesting LH pressure exercise.

> Is the traditional tied gut lute one where the pressure (action) is a matter
> of range (not going all the way to the board, or even being able to), or
> should the action be low?
We discussed frets recently on the list.  The modern tendency is to use thick single 
frets, starting with diameters of up to about 1mm.  Historically, double frets were 
used, ranging from about .80mm to .40mm in diameter.  The height of the strings above 
the fingerboard at the 8th fret on a lute should be around 2.75mm for the 1st course 
and 3.75mm for the 7th course.  Low!
> And what did Arto mean by "strong notes", I think my hands can tell me what
> he meant by "strong fingers". I think he may be suggesting that I soften the
> action in the treble while leaving it a bit stiffer in the lower registers.
Arto will doubtless explain what he means, but the left hand definitely has a part to 
play in moulding the sound of the lute, not just in terms of "vibrato".  It is not 
just a mechanical device for holding the strings down onto the frets.

Best wishes,


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