"Jon Murphy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
> But I think that may be the limit, so far as I know there are no musical 
> transcriptions available in Cuneiform.

well, there are :)

> BTW, has the Arabic retained its form and vocabulary since the times of those 
> pictures?

yes, is has retained them. That's one of those many positively surprising
features of Arabic

> Could there be changes in meaning of words as has happened in English (I can read 
> Chaucer,
> but with difficulty).

any normally trained and educated native speaker of Arabic will _without_
difficulty understand the qur'an which is by now 13 centuries of age (Chaucer is
7, I think). Since in Islam, Scripture is to be read aloud (or sung, rather) at
service, immediate understanding greatly adds to the power of Islam (stuff for

Some words have taken additional connotations like e.g. irhaab (political
terrorism), but basic meanings of the verbal roots have not changed (r-h-b,
fear, horror).

Best wishes,


Mathias Roesel, Grosze Annenstrasze 5, 28199 Bremen, Deutschland/ Germany, T/F
+49 - 421 - 165 49 97, Fax +49 1805 060 334 480 67, E-Mail:

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