Stuart LeBlanc wrote:
> Not so tough a question.  A Beethoven symphony expresses the human condition
> in all its complexity.  A cowbell expresses the location of a cow.
> That aside, a very appropriate commentary.  I'm reminded of Henry Miller's
> remark:
> "In America, everybody has the opportunity to become somebody.  In Europe,
> everybody has the opportunity to become nobody."

Very interesting.

Our nobodies are Dufay, Josquin, Lasso, Palestrina, Marenzio, Rore, Dowland,
Monteverdi, Schütz, Couperin, Vivaldi, Purcell, Händel, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven,
Schubert, Brahms, Wagner, Verdi, Stravinski, Bartok, .... and hundreds of other

Who are your somebodies?

Best wishes from old Europe,

Rainer adS

Oops - I forgot - in America every monkey has the opportunity to become governor
or president.

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