Roman wrote:

>> Monteverdi operas modulate sufficiently for Claudio M. to have him ask his
>> musicians to tune in ET, for which he suffered criticism from a gentleman
>> named Artusi.

I wrote:
> I ...  can't find any reference to equal temperament from either Monteverdi
> or Artusi.  Perhaps you could specify?

Roman wrote:

> You might still have Margo Schulter's message with the info. I have deleted
> all of them.......

I can't seem to delete newsgroup postings.

Last December 7, Margo said that Artusi took Monteverdi to task for writing
intervals that sounded harsh in the less-tempered tuning of singers, though
they would sound OK on lutes, which were more tempered (Margo accepts
uncritically Lindley's interpretation that lutes were normally tuned in
equal temperament.  I voice disagreement whenever I happen to read one of
her posts, which isn't all that often).  Nothing about instructing musicians
to play in equal temperament (Artusi could not have known what Monteverdi
told his musicians, and Artusi's signed essays did not even mention
Monteverdi's name).  Modulation didn't enter into it.  Nor did Monteverdi's
operas, which didn't yet exist.


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