>Jon wrote:
>I can agree with the beauty of the bass<
i'm not talking about "the beauty of the bass" (whatever that means),
what i talk about is the fact that most of us, lute players, preffer
a LONGER VIBRATING TONE. I've taken time to read some
of your lenghtly writings (hard to find exactly what your question is
each time, they say--hehe) and i've never seen this one concept being
mentioned. So i though i'd give you my attention and mention something
"new" for your 'explorations'. Or have you passed the age when the last 
for new things is sealed:))) (hope not!)
So, may-be, amongst all of your empirical mesurements of tension, stress, 
vibrating lenght, diameter, etc.., time lenght of the vibrating tone can 
find place too
if you wish..

>Jon wrote:
>and I'm not sure how R. got the
>impression that I was suggesting a certain pitch for a certain guage (and
>I'm not sure what that means).<
i thought that's what you talk about all the time: the corelations, 
proportions, dependencies, etc,
between gauges, pitches, vibrating lenghts, densities etc. What i meant is 
that besides
all these notions, the notion/exploration of Time Lenght of Vibration can be
interesting to be studied too--together with it's corelations with the other 
>Jon wrote:
>One can go as long as one wants on fretted
>courses, just make a longer neck and more frets<
no. not for the renaissance lute repertoire at least. what do you play J?

>Jon wrote:
>and if your arm is too
>short get an assistant to do the fretting <
May-be my hand's lenght is just like you 'sight': handsome for a hand but 
for a sight. Hey Jon, do you have you thick glasses somewhere there within
a...hand's reach? (hahaha!!!) Or may-be you attach them to your cardigan's 
with an appropriate gauge/density/lenght string to pull them when they are 
too far.
Come on Jon, don't be a girlie:) You want my measurements and picture? I 
preffer only female girls though:Þ
take care!

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