Dear Mathias,

I agree with almost everything you write except that I would like to call 
instruments first and foremost by their proper names (especially if it comes to 
non western european instruments), that I would not like to call guitars lutes 
[and therefore have to admit that I am not able to decide upon where the 
dividing line runs between the different six-string plucked things used side by 
side in the nineteenth and early twentieth century] and that I think that the 
Sachs system does not apply universally except when one states that western 
(european) views have needs to be adopted all over the world.

Best wishes,


"Mathias Rösel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
>> "Schalenhalslaute" and "Kastenhalslaute" - that's the terminology of Curt 
>> Sachs
>Sachs's terminology was still kept e. g. by Dieter Klöckner, art.
>zupfinstrumentenbau (construction of plucked instruments) / A Einführung
>(introduction), B Gitarren- und Lautenbau (construction of lutes and
>guitars) in MGG 14, pp. 1453-78. It was written in the late sixties, I
>> and as his approach was purely based on the morphology of instruments
>Firstly, Klöckner distinguishes plucked from bowed string instruments in
>general. That should be called a distinction according to _use_. When he
>comes to lutes, the main distinction of lutes is based on the
>_construction_ of the neck, i. e. whether A) a rod or stick (Spiesz)
>runs through the body of the lute (Spieszlaute, stick-lute?), or B) the
>neck is fixed to the body like a neck (Halslaute, neck-lute). Neck-lutes
>can furthermore be distinguished according to the construction of their
>respective bodies, i .e. whether the body is of the shape of a box
>(Kasten, Kastenhalslaute) or of a shell or bowl (Schale,
>Would you say this kind of a mixed distinction, based on use as well as
>on constructio, is obsolete or inappropiate?
>> (not on their use, the way one produces sounds on them [e.g. by plucking 
>> strings or bowing them]
>well, any distinction like chordophones--plucked instruments speaks for
>itself, doesn't it.
>> or their position in the culture to which they belong) he consequently calls 
>> any instrument with strings attached to a body and something like a neck a 
>> "lute". Guitars are "Kastenhalslauten" and the Kemence is a 
>> "Schalenhalslaute" ...
>well, yes, what's wrong with that? Lutes are a numerous family, aren't
>they. I for one should say that gitterns, guitars, citole, vihuelas,
>chitarroni, theorboes, archlutes, renaissance lutes from 6c to 10c,
>baroque lutes, are lutes just as well as idan (hi Danyel), tar, saz,
>baglama, pipa and so on, are lutes. Or would you prefer to call them
>plucked neck-chordophones?
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