I measured David's system with my measurement microphones, a 32 bit 
recorder and a strobe, and the notes were accurate. The best notes 
are dead on, the worst a cent or two off, which is normal anyway--if 
you hit the string harder they will drift more. I posted the photo on 
my web site. More than that, I cannot do, but I would think that 
would be enough.
The measurements measured the sound, which I equate with reality, but 
from a physics point of view there is some wiggle room there, since 
one can technically distinguish perceived sound from measured sound 
as in combination tones, or changes in the ear itself.
However, David's system is the only one that I have measured that 
works. In practice, the lute was VERY in tune with the harpsichord 
and the organ, and much more in tune than the other instruments.
The frets were adjusted slightly to account for differences in 
tension, etc, as one always does anyway.
In short: easy to do, proven to work, And I owe David a beer, at least.

At 03:18 AM 11/10/2008, you wrote:
>On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Andrew Gibbs
> > A nice quote from August Magnan (the entomologist who calculated that
> > bumble bees are incapable of flight):
> >
> > 'One shouldn't be surprised that the results of the calculations
> > don't square with reality.'
>The other day the cartoon in my news paper showed two scientists. One
>congratulates the other with his succesful experiment:
>'Congratulations! Bbut is it possible according to the theory?' This
>also reminded me of our mean tone discussions.
>On a side note, thick gut strings and thin gut strings are impossible
>to get in tune with straight frets anyway, whatever temperament.
>Perhaps some tolerance in our ears is needed, too. ;-)
>David van Ooijen
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