On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 12:05 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But there really is not that much talk about the music, as such ("an
> sich") here in our List?
> For ex. to me, my recent quickly made Monteverdi clip was kind of "quite
> good music".

You play, therefore your are. That's my opinion anyway. What more
raison d'etre do we need?

I love the Monteverdi so making a lute arrangement is a worthwhile
pastime. You know the group around Erin Headley, Tiramisu? They play
lots of vocal music on viols, better than on lute, but still not quite
the same as singing it. I prefer Monteverdi sung, obviously.

What's to say about so private a thing as music appreciation? You
don't need our praise and you don't need us to tell you where we think
might be room for improvement. Either would be beside the point.
Encouragement would be nice. Indeed, do go on! I for one enjoy the
wide variety of players on YouTube. Good players, intermediate
players, absolute beginners. Brave people, all of them, exposing
themselves. Something to learn from each performance. Nothing negative
from me about any of these clips. Such enthusiasm, so much love for
what they are doing, admirable. I share my music 50/60 times a year on
stage in the safety of a warm audience I can interact with. Haven't
found the nerve yet to put myself in the cold light of YouTube. Will
do, once I've figured out how to combine - and synchronise - audio and
video. My photo camera, capable of making passable videos, makes my
lutes sound like electrical guitars. So, till then, some technical
discussions needed. All for a good cause, Arto, so be patient with us.
In the meantime, keep up the good work.

David - Purcell Odes and the sonata from Bach's Musicall Offering -
fiendishly difficult continuo part! - last week, Dido and Aeneas this
week, so nothing much for intimate YouTube video's

David van Ooijen

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