I didn't fully understood that version. but i'm going to see everything sent from this group and see my best course of action.
I think it was david who recummend something that seems logical to me.

I also looked at Arto's stuff, its looks the same thing as I wrote. but i'm not sure how it will sound with a singer. I'll check the other links now. Maybe Arto's paper have the best result with some modification.

On Jun 22, 2009, at 2:22 PM, Jelma van Amersfoort wrote:

What about Rocky Mjos' version on the Early Guitar Ning site?


Best, Jelma

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Rob
MacKillop<luteplay...@googlemail.com> wrote:
I haven't had the time (nor inclination) to look at it, but parallels,
  missing accidentals...sounds highly ' period authentic' to me!


  2009/6/22 David van Ooijen <[1]davidvanooi...@gmail.com>

  On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Lex van
  Sante<[2]lvansa...@wanadoo.nl> wrote:
  > the continuo realisation. Who is Jorge Gaete C. anyway?

Someone kind enough to share his copy of some piano realisation he
    happens to have with us. But not someone with the knowledge or
    experience to make a 'proper' continuo part. What you see if what
    get, which no doubt is useful to many. It's better to play these
    pieces from just the bass line, obviously, but usually we can
    one form editions like these, so they can be useful for us, too.

  > Lex
  > Op 22 jun 2009, om 11:50 heeft dc het volgende geschreven:
  >> Mathias Roesel ecrit:
>>> Yes, particularly as measure is wrong (G minor instead of B flat
  >>> and all final 4-3 suspensions are left out.
  >> Not to mention the d sharp m. 14...
  >> Dennis
  >> To get on or off this list see list information at
  >> [3]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

    David van Ooijen



  1. mailto:davidvanooi...@gmail.com
  2. mailto:lvansa...@wanadoo.nl
  3. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
  4. mailto:davidvanooi...@gmail.com
  5. http://www.davidvanooijen.nl/

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