Hi Herbert and all interested

   The wound string key of Pyramid:    xxyy
   The first two numbers xx denominate the number of ?nylon? multifilament
   threads in the core. The following two numbers give the diameter of the

   wire in 1/100 mm. The wire is silverplated copper.
   Mrs. Junger (Pyramid) told me that for lute basses 10 threads are best;
   these strings can bear 50 N before  breaking. For higher tension basses

   (e.g. theorbo)  12 threads may be needed (breaking tension ca 60 N).
   1 N = kg/9.81

   The weight per unit length of the strings can theoretically be
   from the old catalogue of 1980.
   Mrs. Junger told me the following (15.1.2010):
   The tensions given in the catalogue were calculated too small in the

   octave (C-B), and still more in the contra octave CC-BB (presumably

   deviating the more, the  deeper the pitch), caused by a program error.
   The Pyramid string calculator is exact in the big octave, but still

   deviating in the contra octave.
   I guess that all numbers you can find about the string weight are based
   the 1980 tensions, for Pyramid has'nt published any other numbers
   You can buy the Pyramid string calculator to get correct values for the
   octave, and  too small tensions for the contra octave (10-20% ?).
   Below you can see a table with calculated equivalent gut diameters.
   this you can calculate the
   weight per unit length (g/m) = Deq(mm)**2 *gut density(kg/m3)*Pi /4000.
   gut density = 1330 kg/m3, Pi = 3,1415

   Calculated equivalent gut diameters of Pyramid wound strings

    (K.L. Eggert 12/2010)

    gut diameter Pyramid
   Deq(mm)       Code-Nr
   0,714         805     neu 4)
   0,723         905
   0,782         906
   0,801         1006M   Brass
   0,822         1006
   0,837         10065
   0,860         9075
   0,878         1007
   0,890         908
   0,901         10075
   0,923         1008
   0,943         9085
   0,965         909
   0,969         10085
   0,981         1009
   0,990         1109    neu  1)
   1,00          10095
   1,05          1010
   1,06          10105
   1,09          1011
   1,11          1111
   1,16          1012
   1,19          1013
   1,21          1014
   1,22          1114    neu 1)
   1,29          1015
   1,34          1016
   1,35          1116    neu 1)
   1,41          1017
   1,44          1018
   1,49          1019
   1,53          1020
   1,59          1021
   1,6           1121    neu 1)
   1,63          1022
   1,67          1023
   1,71          1024
   1,72          1124    neu 1)
   1,74          1025
   1,82          1026
   1,85          1027
   1,89          1028
   1,93          1029
   1,95          1129    neu 1)
   2             1030
   2,03          1031
   2,07          1032
   2,12          1033
   2,16          1034
   2,21          1035
   2,28          1236
   2,48          1236
   2,34          1237
   2,41          1238
   2,46          1239
   2,53          1240
   2,57          1241    neu 2)
   2,62          1242    neu 2)
   2,69          1243    neu 2)
   2,7           1244    neu 3)
   2,83          1445
   2,96          1448
   diameters in italics are too small, deviating the more the smaller the
   neu: string not in the 1980 catalogue

   Best wishes



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