Thanks, Arto. Yes, I agree video is the thing - I just haven't got the technology sorted out yet.

Meanwhile, why not do your own version?

Best wishes,


On 08/04/2011 18:26, wikla wrote:
Very beautiful!

But I would also very much like to _see_ the player and playing - important
part of performance... at least to me.

All the best,


On Fri, 8 Apr 2011 13:05:55 +0200, "G. Crona"<>  wrote:
Indeed you most successfully have Martin. I should also have added an
excellent editor as well as a generous sharer of music and knowledge. In
short a compleat lutenist.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Shepherd"<>
To: "Lute List"<>
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 12:56 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Re: new piece of the month

Thanks, Goeran.

We have debated on this list before the virtues or otherwise of "live"
performance-type recordings as opposed to "perfect" commercial CD-type

I don't like to hear blemishes (especially my own!) but at the same time
don't want to spend hours editing out every single one.  I usually do a
couple of takes and use the best one, sometimes editing particularly
gruesome bits - but on the whole my best recordings have been single
takes, no edits.  If I were actually making a CD I think I would have to
do lots of takes and lots of editing, but my main objective with these
MP3s is just to share the music and demonstrate the sound of the lutes.
hope I have shown that gut strings can be used to good effect.

Best wishes,


On 08/04/2011 11:28, G. Crona wrote:
Cool Martin!

Did you record it all in one go or weed out mistakes in audacity
afterwards? You seem to be quite unique in the lute community in that
BOTH build excellent lutes as well as being a very sensitive and able

Kind regards


----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Shepherd"
To: "Lute List"<>
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2011 11:55 AM
Subject: [LUTE] new piece of the month

Hi All,

The new piece of the month is in the usual place:

It's the last of a series of recordings I made with a Venere 7c lute
(67cm, strung all in gut) before it went to its new owner.

I hope you enjoy it.

Best wishes,


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