"From the heart"!  The one ingredient that cannot be faked; unmistakeable when 
present. Without which, even the most technically perfect & most musically 
informed rendition lacks something- and when present, has saved many a 
less-than-perfect performance, even when played on the wrong instrument or in 
the wrong style. 

When the instrument & the performance are technically fine, musically informed 
in the correct style, plus from the heart, we come close to artistic 

On Nov 7, 2011, at 1:43 PM, wolfgang wiehe wrote:

> thanks dan & edward!
> this piece of music comes directly from my heart. I found it some years
> ago in the wroclav ms 352. isn´t it nice? It took my attention by its
> "broken style" structure and I think it´s from marco dall aquila or
> directly influenced by him.I wrote a little paper of all "in te domine"
> intabulations for the LSA quaterly some years ago.
> recently paul o´dette did a recording of marco dall aquila with this
> piece at the of his cd (did he read my paper???).
> greetings
> Wolfgang
> p.s. you can download my paper at:
> http://www.esnips.com/displayimage.php?album=710702&pid=5879774#top_disp
> lay_media
> I use nylgut on my 7-c-lute. my lute was built by renatus lechner in
> 2003, a wonderful instrument (after gerle)
> the woodcuts are from a decamerone-print of 1542 by giolito/venezia,
> which I owned.

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