On 07/23/2012 05:04 PM, Anton Höger wrote:


I wrote that IMSLP always check the uploads and need  at least one day. Because 
I often make a transcription for guitar too, it seems that IMSLP cannot handle 
with the same file name.

But sorry if you feel that my more hundreds of Intavolations for 2-4 lutes in 
any tunings are to much,

anton, I didn't write that I don't like your intavolations or guitar arrangements. Please don't be so quickly offended by what I wrote and please do continue your work. I only asked what the purpose is of sending emails for every addition or minor change to a piece, while there are so many better alternatives for getting the attention of your efforts like a webpage with a "latest additions page", a rss xml feed, twitter or simply a separate mailing list. It's just an idea, not a critic on what you do.

I will not upload any more Intavolations. My work was thought for the luteplayers in any level. Not everybody can play the English Treble Ground duets or the very complicated Terzi duos or some else.
If I look at mediafire, where I first uploaded my Intavolations, there are more 
than 15000 downloads! So I dont understand your opinion about solo lute 
players. May be,- but thats one of my reasons I do the Intavolations!
I was 10 years teacher for classical guitar and later 15 years for the 
Renaissance lute. And my experience with all the hundreds of pupils was that 
they could benefit a lot of ensemble playing.
Rhythme, Hearing, Playing prima vista, and a lot more. But a crucial effect is 
the sound effect of more lutes in an ensemble. Because of the less technical 
demand the lute players in an Ensemble has an overwelming soundeffect. But I 
dont want to defend my work. So if you feel so, I dont will upload any more 

I think my announcements are not too much, when I have a look at some gibberish 
you can find here. (More than one has complained this!)

But ok, why should I make any uploads more?

So all lute players who has downloaded my work, will give thanks to you!


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