There is a microfilm in the LSA Microfilm Library.  But it might be
incomplete. (There is at least one incomplete microfilm floating around.)
For information about the library check the LSA page on Wayne Cripps' Lute
Page (under "Publications").

There is a thematic index by Josef Klima.  I checked it aganst the
manuscript, and made some corrections (Klima had difficulties reading that
old German script).  It is on Ditto print and doesn't
Xerox very well.  Incidentally the original owner was a Salzburg nobleman,
Johannes Aegidius Berner von Rettenweg.  His grave stone is in the St.
Aegidius church, home parish of the Mozart family.  I believe there is
another manuscript by the same copyist in the Dolmetsch Library in Haslemere
(the OTHER lute manuscript,  that is, NOT the falsely labelled "Medici

The Lute Society might also have a film.  Bob Spencer was particularly
interested in the Aegdiius MS.
----- Original Message ----- From: "William Samson" <>
To: "Lute List" <>
Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 2:01 PM
Subject: [LUTE] Aegidius MS?

  Dear Bottomless Pit of Knowledge and Expertise,

  Does anybody know if the 'Aegidius' manuscript (Prague IV.G.18 ) is
  available on the web or in a printed publication?




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