Thanks, everyone. Wow, the responses seem to go from brain surgery down
   to toenail clipping as far as apparent complexity!
   I like the hobby drill idea, will give it some more thought. I
   especially like that Chris has done it before and lived to tell the
   tale, as I am not much of a woodworker myself. Although I made a mean
   pine car with my son in his cub scout days! :)

   On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 9:02 AM, Christopher Wilke
   <[1]> wrote:

   Use a hobby drill. (Not sure if that's the real name.) This is
   basically a small aluminum dowel with a screw-adjustable interface so
   you can insert whatever size bit you like. I've successfully used one
   to enlarge bridge holes on several instruments and my woodworking
   skills are virtually nil. They should sell them at any hobby store. I
   got mine at Michael's. Only costs a couple of bucks.
   [2]Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

     On Aug 19, 2015, 7:57:12 AM, Charles Mokotoff wrote:

   Greetings List,
   I am wanting to try a few slightly thicker strings for my fourth
   course. I've consulted the experts so am comfortable with tension, etc,
   but am unable to try a few of them due to a too narrow pair of holes
   w Dor this course at the bridge.
   Is there some foolproof way to slightly widen the holes without any
   negative ramifications? Suggestions on tools, technique and if I should
   just take it to a luthier are welcomed.
   Thank you!
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