Dear Collective wisdom,
   I am wondering if anyone knows the fate or whereabouts of Shirley
   Rumsey.   She made a number of beautiful recordings on the Naxos label
   in the 1990's, and worked with Christopher Wilson - it is my
   understanding they were married.
   I was listening to her "Music of the Spanish Renaissance", and did an
   search about her, and the Wikipedia page devoted to her gives her birth
   and death years of 1933 to 1996.   From what I could see on photos, she
   does not appear to be in her 60's when the photo was taken in the 90's.
     I also saw a chat page (I lost the link, sorry) to where someone was
   questioning if those birth/death years were indeed one and the same as
   our lutenist/singer Shirley Rumsey.   The question put forth was not
   Does anyone know if she has indeed passed away, or is still living?
   Thanks in advance,


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