On Tue, 19 Jan 2016 01:15:30 PM Piers Rowan via luv-main wrote:
> dm-2              0.00     0.00   68.70   18.80  1102.40   147.20 
> 14.28     4.61   52.67  11.32  99.09
> dm-3              0.00     0.00  126.80   59.40  4588.80   475.20 
> 27.20     3.81   20.43   5.33  99.17

dm-2 and dm-3 are the problem ones, 99% IO utilisation.

Why do you use LVM inside a virtual machine?  That offers no real benefit and 
makes things more difficult to debug things as it will be a pain if the VM 
doesn't boot properly and you need to fix that LV from the Dom0.

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