(it seems that "reply-all" no longer includes luv-main (from ms outlook at 
least), so I have to include it manually... what's with that?)

> Of course a RAID-1 of SSDs will massively outperform the RAID-5 you have.
> Given the size I guess it's one of the older HP servers that only takes ~70G 
> disks.  If you buy a cheap
> Dell PowerEdge server and put a couple of Intel SSDs (not > bought from Dell 
> because Dell charges
> heaps for storage) in a RAID-1 configuration it will massively outperform the 
> old HP server.

If you use SSDs for any sort of intensive storage, do keep an eye on the SMART 
"media wearout" values, and replace them before the counter hits 0 (or 1). For 
the disks we were using (Intel DataCentre SSD's), the docs say that while the 
disk may well keep running for a long time after the counter hits 1, it is 
considered worn out and is no longer covered by warranty. SMART does not 
consider this a failure/old age (the threshold is 0 but the counter never goes 
below 1), so you have to actually monitor the counter. The RAID controller 
probably won't tell you this either (that the disk has worn out), and in our 
case the performance went to crap sometime after the counter hit 1, causing 
considerable frustration to all involved. Different models and manufacturers 
obviously differ in this respect too.

I'm seeing time-to-replacement of about 12 months on high load system where the 
SSD's are used for a RAID cache (ZFS, Intel RAID controllers, etc). At home, my 
little router that is just a laptop running Squid, has used up 2 of 100 SMART 
units in the ~12 months it has been running.
Not particularly relevant to the discussion at hand, but with suggestions of 
"put in SSD's and all your trouble will go away", it is something you need to 


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