On Sun, Jan 31, 2016 at 04:11:44AM +1100, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> All good and fair comments, but anyone whom lets people continue to use
> IE and/or Windows XP..... well.  

yes, it's simply intolerable. they shoud be rounded up and sent to
re-education camps. apply the electrodes until they learn the error of
their ways, then send them home gibbering with an ubuntu install disk.

btw, that should be a "who" not a "whom".

> They WILL have to change sooner or later and the sooner the better.

many are still "happily" using XP (i.e. they don't know any better) -
as the recent virus fiasco at RMH shows. workstations across the entire
hospital, from pharmacy to the wards taken out by really ancient XP
viruses.  I know, i've been stuck in here for much of it. some sections
(fortunately, the transplant clinic was one) had upgraded to win7 but
many were still running XP.

in fact, the health workers don't CARE what they use, it's not their job
to care, or know - they just need access to their patients' records and
blood test results and x-rays etc while they've got the patient in the
room, or during reviews with other doctors.  They've got more important
things to do than worry about the trivial details of the computers
they're using.

this will probably be the wake-up call that hospital management needed,
but many people and organisations just ignore computer security because
upgrading hundreds or thousands of desktop machines is time-consuming
and expensive.

simply telling them "Use Linux" doesn't and won't work.  They can't buy
it off the shelf, it doesn't come with a recognisabe brand-name, and
they just don't have the time or the inclination to find out what it's
about or why it might save them from future virus problems.

and from the bean-counting management POV, IT is an expense, to be
minimised....so underfunded, and understaffed.


craig sanders <c...@taz.net.au>

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