Is there any good FOSS distributed database that's not a heap of Maven rubbish 
that can't be supported in a distribution?

I've been briefly looking at Cockroach, Hbase, Voldemort, Ignite Accumulo, and 
of course I had tried Cassandra at a LUV event.  All the ones I looked at in 
detail couldn't be packaged for Debian because they used Maven for the build 
system and a build process that downloads java programs from the web doesn't 
fit with reproducible builds.  I presume that the others which aren't in 
Debian are in a similar situation.

Does anyone know of a good candidate that could be packaged for Debian?  
Failing that which of the ones that suck too badly for inclusion in Debian 
don't suck so badly that they are horrible to use?

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