On Fri, 25 Apr 2008, Gerry Reno wrote:

> I have my mailservers setup as realservers in my LVS-DR network.  It
> works well with the exception that after some amount of time (a few
> hours usually) the remote clients begin getting messages that they are
> unable to connect to mail.domain or smtp.domain (these resolve to the
> VIP of LVS-DR).  When I try and telnet to the mail ports from these
> remote mail clients I see one of two things:
> connection refused

nothing listening on that port

> no route to host

VIP not known to routing system.

> So I tried restarting keepalived.  This managed to clear the access for
> port 25 and port 110 but not for port 143.  Port 143 still won't
> connect.  Nothing else seems to help until I reboot both director boxes
> and then and only then can the client regain access to port 143 for a
> few hours until the problem starts again.

on the assumption that it's keepalived, can you run the 
setup with just one director, setup with ipvsadm and no 
keepalived, and see how long it takes to jam up the system?


Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
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