In my system (uname -a -> Linux 2.6.18-348.1.1.el5.centos.plus #1 SMP
Tue Jan 22 19:16:31 EST 2013 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux), I see a tun0
Yours is ?
There is a line in the makefile which you have to set to your system:
#To compile for linux: make ARCH=linux
#To compile for cygwin: make ARCH=cygwin
There is also a line
#To compile for openbsd: make ARCH=openbsd
in the makefile for 'minimal'.
I don't recall right now, but if you follow the docs (yes, that all caps
README file) you'll get through it.
This is related to the particular network interface to use in every
particular system, because some systems have /something/tun, others
/otherthing/tap, and so on. The demo program is trying to patch into
your system's networking stuff so lwIP can see it as a link-level
device, and it can't do it if you don't tell it which system you have
(otherwise the demo programmer would have to spend more time diving
inside every possible system than doing the demo itself)

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