Hi Zhen,

a few people have pointed out this problem and hence a solution will be
worked on (as agreed at the last TLS WG meeting).


On 08/18/2017 11:05 AM, Zhen Cao wrote:
> Hi Authors of draft-lwig-coap,
> Thank you for the draft.  I have a question related to CoAP-over-DTLS.
> Section 5.4 of the draft
> (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-lwig-coap-04#section-5.4) has
> some discussion over the problem, it however does not help with the
> case below.
> Say, the client and server is talking over a CoAP-DTLS session with a
> NAT between.   Then the NAT session expires because of an idle period
> when no traffic re-enforce the NAT state.  Assume afterwards the
> client would like to send a new CoAP-CON message towards the server.
> With the NAT outgoing <address port> pair changed, the server will not
> be able to resume the previous DTLS session and will discard this
> message.  Sad though, it is not that serious because NAT problems is
> everywhere.
> What's worse is however, under such scenario, the client is unclear if
> it needs to retransmit the CoAP-over-DTLS message or re-negotiate a
> new DTLS (isn't it? because it does not know whether it is a network
> issue or DTLS failure).   If it takes it as a network issue, it will
> keep trying to retransmit the CoAP-CON, until it reaches the retry
> limit (4 defined in RFC7252). This is very costly because of the
> exponential backoff may sum to more than 10s.  In this case, it will
> be more efficient in this case to have the client re-negotiates the
> DTLS with server immediately.
> a) So my first question will be :
> Is this an issue with the current implementation and shall we make
> some recommendations?
> b) With regards to a better solution,
> draft-fossati-tls-iot-optimizations-00 will be a direct solution by
> including a connection ID in the DTLS record layer,  but I do not know
> why this draft expires.   @Hannes, could you help me with some
> background.
> Many thanks for discussion.
> BR,
> Zhen
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