On 17.02.2016 21:54, hari wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 10:46 AM, Guido Jäkel <g.jae...@dnb.de> wrote:
>> Dear Hari,
>> It might be easier for us if you name the driver or the usecase. Maybe in
>> fact you don't want to pass in the "driver" but the "resource" provided by
>> the driver.
> Dear Guido,
> The driver I am using interacts with PMU (special hardware registers) and
> enables performance monitoring using the hardware counters available. It is
> similar to perf tool.
> What I am trying to do is to monitor the performance from inside the
> container rather than from the host.
> Thanks,
> TG
>> greetings
>> Guido

Dear Hari,

this futile by concept, because a lightweight container is thought not own any 
dedicated parts of a real CPU or any other physical resource of the host, it 
just is a logical platform with resources to "compute", to access a "file 
system" or to do "networking".

You may load the "PMU driver" on the host and monitor on the host the resources 
used by the processes inside the container. And you may be able to setup a way 
to pass in the monitoring results (and/or the controll and command interface if 
you ignore any concerns of security) to the container.

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